Skycam was established in 2011, long before technology has crafted filmmaker from each and every drone owner.
Liberal drone laws in Estonia led to harsh competition, but here we are – Skycam is one of few remaining in business here. Nowadays we mostly fly in our home country Estonia, but also have experience working in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Latvia, India, Mongolia and Jordan.
We have full range of equipment you’d expect from a drone company

Freshman and flagship, two in one – Inspire 3 with full frame camera shooting up to 8k 75fps RAW, dual ISO (800/4000) and high precision positioning, getting it closer to “motion control” playground. Repeatable missions and 3d-dolly are indeed very new and special way to approach cinematography – it’s not “drone” anymore, it’s “moving camera in 3d space – with high precision” and that’s different. We’ll be releasing video on the subject – soon 🙂
Inspire 2 with super35mm X7, shooting up to 6k 30fps RAW. Released in 2016, it’s second generation of DJI’s high-end film drones and first to seriously compete with “big drones” carrying Arri, Red and similar. One of ours is also equipped with parachutes and flight termination system, making it legal to fly in cities – without full lockdown. At least in Europe, where we hold appropriate licenses, too. Another one we have is equipped with proper FPV camera, so we can fly it very differently to “normal” Inspire – take a look here

FPV (also called “racing”) drones are usually equipped with GoPro’s, are flown in goggles and obviously we have full range of them – starting with tiny ones carrying “naked” GoPro (naked = stripped of everything except lens and memory card) and up to something that can keep up with rally car (being honest – not for long..). Here’s result from our KTM playday
Separate breed of FPV/racing drones is called “cinelifter” – that’s essentially FPV drone meant to carry “cine” camera like Red Komodo or similar. These are extremely popular in all kinds of chasing scenes and recent blockbusters had put a lot of pressure on these (“Ambulance”, for example) . Take a look at little “reel” (not 100% on lifters, but many) here. Or this commercial for Verge electrical motorbike

Heavylift Alta 8 Pro to carry Arri Mini/LF, Red and similar size cameras. It’s hard for “big girl” to compete with more modern drones in speed, agility and flight time, but when DP’s ask for “regular” cameras and specific glass – we’re ready to go
LED carrying drones come in different shapes and sizes, starting with small and agile up to big and breathtaking – example 1, example 2. Whether you need to light up a moving car or chase a bicycle or need someone to “play” a police helicopter – LED drone is your friend

Obviously we do have all possible consumer and prosumer DJI products like Mavic 3 Cine (up to 5k ProRes – which is nice!), Mini 3 Pro (delivering 10-bit 4k h265 in less than 250 grams!) etc.
Our showreel is quite old and outdated – mostly it’s 2018 and few shots are even from 2017 (yes, it’s unbelievably old – sorry!), but it will give you some sense of where we’ve been and what we’ve done in the past and rest assured – we made a lot of progress in a meanwhile! Yeah-yeah, not with the showreel… :))